S U N D A Y ,     A P R I L     1 4 T H  

9AM Morning Dives

Dive 1: North Star, 70 feet for 47 minutes
Wall dive - see manta ray and green/yellow eel

Dive 2: Eagle Ray, 55 feet for 49 minutes
Use MX-5 camera first time

Andy likes Longhorns & scuba diving

Entrance of the Colony Cove Resort

Entering the resort on a quiet Sunday afternoon

A USVI license plate

The gardens inside Colony Cove

Check out this wild palm tree

David's annual coconut shot doesn't go as planned

Andy leads the way to safety

View of Christiansted from Colony Cove Resort

View of Colony Cove from the beach

Eating and drinking at Breezez down the beach,

Them Bushwacker drinks are mighty fine!

Bartender Tracy served the drinks extra strong
see monday's photos