More Cowbell versus Brew Crew - June 6th, 2007

Scott gives up no walks while pitching tonight

Chris C reaches on an E8 in the 2nd

Lindsay hits an easy-to-fetch foul ball

Lindsay concentrates on a solid base hit

Scott busts a double to right center field

And he's not even winded standing on second

Moose concentrates on a run scoring base hit

She delivers, pushing Lindsay & Moose across

Paul steps up & drives in Moose for a 3-run 2nd

Jennifer ready to move Paul into scoring position

But a hard liner is fielded well for the out at 2nd

Chris B's quick fielding holds the runner to a single

Paul makes a nice play at 2nd to get the out

Ken fakes the drop for the easy double-play
but Blue calls "infield fly" and the batter is out

Chris C holds the batter to a single

Ashley, robbed of single, reaches 1st on an FC

Jennifer keeps the book while David takes photos

Ken gets a basehit & drives in the final run of the 4th

Amy has a good eye on the first pitch

The pitcher tricks her with the knuckler on the 2nd

Loyal substitute Erin plays for Brew Crew tonight

Which is why Moose makes the catch to get her out

Brew Crew's Branelle also subs for us at times

Lindsay drives a ball to the outfield in the 5th

Scott needs a better pitch before hitting a double

One more batter after Moose drives in Lindsay

Defense holds strong tonight with Lindsay catching

Amy played right field

Chris C is ready out in right-center

Paul at short & Jennifer in left field

The defense holds & More Cowbell secures the W

Tonight's victorious team, guess who pitched?

David ruins a great team photo with his sloppy shirt

Lindsay is ready for the post game victory jump

The victory somersault, a new More Cowbell tradition, performed by our newest and most agile teammate
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