South Street Seaport Museum

Walking under the Manhatten Bridge

Approaching the Brooklyn Bridge

A good walk from the Manhatten Bridge

Awesome stone structure of the Brooklyn Bridge

Structures under the Brooklyn Bridge

The Brooklyn Bridge spans all the way to Brooklyn!

Nice shot of both bridges

The Peking of the South Street Seaport Museum

$5 to board the 1911 four-masted bark, Peking

Oncoming rainclouds suggest a short visit

Sit on the 3rd floor balcony of the mall . . .

. . . and look for lightning while sipping a beer

The ships of the South Street Seaport Museum

The rain drives most people into the mall for cover

The daily NYC rain falls near the Brooklyn Bridge

The waterfront on the way to the Staten Island ferry

The world's most expensive marina?

Another foggy night at the marina

Leaving the twin loading areas of the ferry

The Statue of Liberty off in the distance

There's a big gap in the NYC skyline

The lost WTC was 3 times the size of these buildings

Passing by the Statue of Liberty

Departing the Staten Island ferry port

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