College Days Pilgrimage - July 27-28th, 2019
In business since 1939 and at this location since 1969, the October 20th closing of Hut's Hamburgers inspired a pilgrimage to my Austin college days
Took awhile to find it and a parking space among all the high rises
Nothing over a story tall here in the 80's, but soon, another high rise
Enter the restaurant and wait to be seated
Nothing inside has changed over the last 30 years
Also home of the Wednesday night buy one get one free burger!
The Wednesday BOGO burger rejuvenated after ramen noodle Tuesday
The walls of Texas Football history remain intact for now
Sink Burger? Milner's Mushroom burger? Mr. Blue? Rings for sure!
The place to de-stress and eat with friends . . . 30 years ago
Go for a Wolfman Jack and a full order of rings
I have judged all rings by Hut's onion rings standards
Hut's onion rings still reign supreme
Bacon, sour cream and HGC, before I knew what they were
Lucky travelers can still experience Hut's at the Bergstrom Airport terminal