College Days Pilgrimage - July 27-28th, 2019

Visit my last employer during my last two semesters of college

Discover I've arrived on the very last Saturday the business will be open

The joy of working for discounted food and beer comes flooding back

The front door wooden indian stays safely inside pending closure

The inventory has dwindled down to very few items

The building is falling apart and will be razed for high rise condos

Remaining inventory will be sent to the new location on Lamar @ 11th

Inside the shutdown cooler where I worked a hot Austin summer

Remembering the joy of pushing beer forward 30 years ago

Many bags of ice were filled here and sold for $1 each

Able to purchase singles, my love of trying new beers began here

Family all received fancy 1.75 liter Christmas gifts that year

Wiggy's Elephant & American Spirit neon will soon darken for good

And another fond memory of my Austin past is wiped away