Galveston Landmarks - June 1st, 2009

The 1900 Great Storm Statue

Stone seats circling it were pushed away by Hurricane Ike

The statue is at 48th and Seawall Blvd near Holiday Inn

This historical marker did not survive the storm

Marker to the Galveston Seawall and grade raising

Rocks collect at the base of the seawall

Markers to the Seawall Trail and Seawall Boulevard upon Battery Laval

Three markers on Battery Laval, left most is about the Texas Sesquicentennial

Middle one on the Seawall Blvd (39th-53rd St) completion in 1962

Right side a marker to the beautification of Galveston & Houston

Looking east, sandy beach still being replenished after Ike

No work done on the Flagship since Ike, perhaps it's abandoned

View of beach around the Flagship entrance

View down seawall and beach away from Flagship

First entrance to Flagship is still collapsed

The lower floor of Flagship Hotel is still boarded up

View of beach and waves underneath the hotel

Straight on view of collapsed ramp, no entry please

Good ramp is fenced off with barbwire

Graffiti tagging inside exposed rooms, barbwire not very effective

Side view of the collapsed ramp

Another angle of the fenced off ramp

Murdochs souvenir shop is being rebuilt beyond the Flagship

Back in car for a driveby of the Flagship Hotel

And continue the driveby past the new Murdochs souvenir shop just beyond

Grabbed a oyster/shrimp lunch special at Benno's

Dropped off a 46oz coffee can full of beverage can pull tabs at the Ronald McDonald House for children seeking medical treatment

General Sidney Sherman fought at San Jacinto, commanded Galveston for the CSA 1861-1862, and established Texas Railroads

World War II Memorial at Broadway and 23rd Street listing all the Galveston County residents who died during WWII

Ten Commandments face the World War II Memorial

The 72 ft. Texas Hereos Monument at 25th & Broadway was commissioned

by Henry Rosenberg & honors those who fought & died in the Battle

Of San Jacinto to win freedom for the Republic of Texas from Mexico

Courage on the far left

Patriotism and Houston middle frame above row

Devotion and Austin far right

Honor and Devotion seen on these two sides

Honor at the top pedestal and April 21st, 1836

Sacred Heart Catholic Church (Broadway & 14th St.) was built in 1904

Featuring Moorish, Byzantine, Gothic, & Romanesque styles

Across 14th St. is the Bishop's Palace (AKA: Gresham's Castle)

Mansion built 1893-1895 for Mrs. Richard S. Willis who lived here until 1899

William Moody Jr. bought the home in 1900 and passed away in 1954

Moody Mansion repairs still underway nine months after Hurricane Ike

More oak trees are dying down Broadway in front of the Mansion

Visit the Jack Johnson tree carving in August 2012

The carving is off Broadway at 45th Street

Galvestonian Johnson was world champ in 1905

Prior statues didn't fare as well this one has

Drop by on the way to Leo's Cajun Kitchen on 32nd

They couldn't knock him out so they tried to tear him down

Visit the 1880 Galveston Garten Verein (garden club) in August 2013

Located at Avenue O and 27th Street in Kempner Park

Zoom in on the palm tree with spectacular orange blossoms

The stone arbor is known as the Kempner Park Monument

Tiered octagonal dancing pavilion is available for rental

A perfect location for a wedding reception

Hey look a-yonder, it's the orange blossom special!

Next visit the 1861 US Customs House and Court House

Now home of the Galveston Historical Foundation

Union forces captured the city on October 9, 1862

But were driven out January 1st, 1863 until June 19, 1865

Alex guards the ground floor courthouse safe

Upstairs courthouse now used to display quilts

Awesome Curious George quilt with monkeys and bananas

Corner office is now a kitchen, with more hanging quilts

Offices and one jail room on the 2nd floor

Take the elevator upstairs and the stairs down

View of Customs House on the Post Office St. side

The US Customs House is for sale!?   Quilts included?

Visit Galveston's historic homes in June 2014

Stop first at the 1838 Menard greek revival home

Menard signed the Texas Declaration of Independence

Next, visit the 1839 Samuel May Williams home

Combination Creole-plantation & New England architecture

Williams was the founder of the Texas Navy

Next is the 1859 St. Joseph's Church

The oldest German Catholic Church in Texas and the oldest wooden church building in Galveston

Galveston was home to 3,000 German immigrants in 1859

Repaired, enlarged, and redecorated within a year after the 1900 Storm

Next is Jack Johnson Park, created in November 2012

Park creators try to keep this memorial intact

Johnson statue and historical commission plaque inside

Undisputed heavy weight champ of the world 1908-1915

An icon precisely because he refused to stay in his place

Next, head to the strand looking west from 23rd street

Spin 180° and look east from 23rd street

Still looking east but from 22nd or Kempner Street

Rotate clockwise 45° to a historical sign at the parking lot

Plaque was unveiled weeks ago for this year's Juneteenth

Col. Bubbie's opened in 1972 but he died in 2009, his wife is ready to retire

On Harborside Drive, just past 15th Street, in July 2018

The site of legendary pirate Jean Lafitte's Maison Rouge

Lafitte burned his fort down when he left Galveston in 1821

This building was built in 1870 on top of the fort's foundation

One of Lafitte's men went to the mainland, and settled there

James Campbell's settlement eventually became Texas City

Park & walk to see another of Nick Clayton's masterpieces, Old Red

The very first building of the UT Medical Branch, completed in 1891

The building was named for Ashbel Smith in 1949

Smith organized the Texas Medical College in 1873

Smith was Texas Sec-O-State, CSA Colonel, & Chair of UT Board of Regents

Smith became the Dean of the Texas Medical School in 1876

Walk up the steps to enter the building's main entrance

Construction of the first UT Med School building began in 1890

Many familiar names were on the 1890 UT Board of Regents

Check out the detail in the arches & different colored bricks

Lone Stars on column capitals are protected by anti-pigeon spikes

Inside are see medical greats: Imhotep, Hippocrates, Galen, Maimonides, . . .

Andreas Vesalius, Ambroise Pare and on the right side: Marie Curie

. . . WC Roentgen, Jo Lister, Lou Pasteur & Williams Morton & Harvey

Head to the 2nd floor on the east side to see the great auditorium

The 1890 podium boasting the great seal of The University of Texas

Climb up to the 3rd floor . . . watch that first step Margo!

The view thousands of eventual doctors & nurses all shared over time

And now know what is inside the rounded end of the building

Head back down and find a door to a small 2nd floor balcony

Step outside to see the brick detail & design from the small balcony

View of the arches from underneath the entry portico of Old Red

View the Keiller Bldg from Old Red's entry portico

Look back at Clayton's masterpiece and then run from mosquitos

Stumble upon an interesting house at 17th & Sealy streets

It is the 1890 Trube Castle fashioned after danish castles

The castle took 3.5 months to build and cost $9,700

The abandoned Galveston Incinerator may be demolished soon

Cross the causeway, take Exit 4 and find the causeway bridge monument

A marker to Campbell's Bayou is directly across the street

The original Galveston Causeway was built in 1912

The newest causeway was built between 2003-2008

The 2nd causeway was completed in 1939 and replaced in 1961

Commissioners Court for the original causeway built in 1912 or 1939?

The 1912 Causeway is one of the greatest engineering accomplishments in the US and was put on the list of the National Register of Historic Places in 1976.

Now restricted to railroad use only and maintained by BNSF

The center span drawbridge only provides a railway bridge, not a roadway

Industrial buildings along Galveston Islands' Harborside Drive are visible in the distance

Look over Bubba's Sports Bar toward the Welcome to Galveston Island signs

Look over the railroad tracks toward beach houses along Virginia Point

A very busy thoroughfare a hundred years ago but now a bypassed highway to nowhere, yet the History Machine visits them all

Look down the tracks toward the 2012 drawbridge in the span center

Here comes a train!     Time to get off the tracks, quick!