SRB Assembly & Refurbishment Facility
May 2nd, 2005

The ARF prepares the Solid Rocket Booster aft & forward skirt, frustum & nose cap for launch

I'll take two with extra pepperoni

Leave your badge outside to help identify remains

Inside the blast proof Ordnance Build Up room, the frustum has ordnance on both the top & bottom

Aft skirt with booster separation motors removed

1 of 4 bolt holes that secure the SRB to the pad

Aft skirt with booster separation motors before the component is covered with cork

Thrust Vector Control System within aft skirt gimbals the nozzle extension to control flight

Separation ring removes Frustum during descent

Main Parachute Support Structure contains 3 chutes

Forward booster separation motors at the top of the frustum and a nose cap on the right stand

Forward skirt, frustum, and nose cone stack

Nose cap contains the drogue and pilot parachutes

Forward skirt in a painting chamber

The curing room is empty today

David admires a painted & cured forward skirt

Extra buildup cork patches applied . . .

. . . before the component is sprayed with cork

Corked explosive bolt containment devices

Lisa's middle name is Danger