Orbiter Processing Facility
May 2nd, 2005

Rocks used for Crawler transporter path are pushed away from sidewalk when Crawler not in use.

Orbiter enters the OPF through grey doors of the 2 high bays, see the slots for the orbiters tall tail?

The Space Shuttle Atlantis is readied for STS-121, the launch after Return to Flight

Orbiter Manuvering System (OMS) above and Space Shuttle Main Engine (SSME) below

A look inside the SSME compartment

Looking forward from the SSME area

Climb up a level for a straight on view of the OMS

View of the whole OMS pod

Tour guide, Mike, shows us the payload bay view

The second robotic arm on right will give enough length for tile inspections under orbiter

Left leading edge of Atlantis with tile protectors

Damage here caused the loss of Columbia's crew

Twin rear landing gear of Atlantis

Orbiter supported by External Tank connection points

Shuttle's fuel intake point from the external tank

David, Jon, Cathy, and Lisa pose with Atlantis

Cathy and Lisa in front of a SSME

Remove thyselves before flight !