Solid Rocket Booster Disassembly Facility
Cape Canaveral Air Force Station - May 6th, 2005

The SRB DF is stationed at CCAFS Hanger AF

The Recovery ships deliver the SRBs to the DF slip

One SRB at a time is inserted into the slip

A huge rolling crane lifts the SRBs out of the slip

Manatees enjoy the slip in between flights

The crane lowers the SRBs onto rail dolly trains

Lisa and Jon check out the huge SRB crane

The SRB parachutes are rolled up on spools at sea

Empty rail dollies rest beyond the first wash facility

Looking back toward the first SRB Wash Facility

The SRBs are disassembled within Hangar AF

Flight foam is removed from the each component

An aft skirt receives a final power washing

A spotlessly clean aft skirt is now ready for rebuild