Solid Rocket Booster Marine Operations
Cape Canaveral Air Force Station - May 6th, 2005
One of two SRB retrieval Motor Vessels (M/V)
David bravely crosses the treacherous manatee pit
We board the sister ship M/V Liberty Star
SRB tracking radar equipment on the left
Onboard Hyperbaric Chamber for the divers
We pass by the parachute reelers on the way up
The retrieval ships are docked beside the SRB slip
Divers take the small craft to the floating SRBs
Launch Complexes off in the distance past the bow
Bridge of the Liberty Star, see the captain's wheel?
Lisa and Cathy are liking this ship, a lot!
David scans the horizon for falling SRBs
Communications area & rear equipment control area
The Liberty Star's Captain Bren was our tour guide
The ship's galley below deck
One of the twin diesel engines
Back up on deck which concludes our tour