Sea Isle Beachhouse - July 28th, 2017

Back to our favorite Shore Fun Beachhouse for another week with family

Nena highly approves of the elevator that comes with this beachhouse

View from underneath of our pathway to the beach

And right beside the big thumbtack in the map that points out the location

As Marshall would say, "Andiamo fratello, non Mastroianni tutti i funyuns"

Take the first walk on the beach after unloading the cars

Nice collections of shells, we'll come back at night!

Nena, Kathy, Jerry and Allan take a nice long walk

Alex heads straight to the water and starts digging, FUN!

Donna and Erin look for hermit crabs

Slowly, let him come out of his hole and . . .

Plenty of jellyfish on the beach so watch your step

The first sunset of the week blocked by the houses on the bay side

Still pretty, dropping behind beachhouse and powerlines west of us