Sea Isle Beachhouse - July 29th, 2017

Sleep late on lumpy fold-away mattress, dad already fishing

Kathy watches while Alex and Erin dig in the sand

No fish to even steal your bait so dad comes back in

It is a great morning for Alex, sand, sun and saltwater!

She brings the foot wash bucket back to the beachhouse to clean up

Erin cleans up and fires off her bubble gun

Alex's coquina clams prefer to stay in the sand under the surf

Marie, Bill, Charisse & Andy come down for beach and dominoes

Allan updates his blog with photos and thoughts of beach life

Nena and Margo play the next game of train dominoes

The girls head back to the beach for more sand fun with Aunt Kathy

Allan meditates in preparation for our next adventure

We load up the cars and head to the Brewery near Moody Gardens

Standing room only for now but still need to figure out what we want

Margo gets a sampler and starts out with the IPA

Andy shares half his Imperial Stout with his cuz David

Margo goes full bore with Imperial Stout and Porters in her group

Allan finds a table for two and we take a seat

Kathy and Jerry head outside and enjoy a cool breeze

Great day to enjoy a cold beer outside on a picnic table!

More seats open up and the whole group comes back inside

Check out the shirts available, think I'll have another beer

Allan and Margo enjoy Happy Days are Beer Again!

Jerry and Kathy find seats next to Allan's table

My Causeway Kölsch is a closet IPA but the Imperial Stout makes up for it

In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is freedom, in water there is bacteria

Andy celebrates his 20,000th day in appropriate fashion

Back to the beachhouse for another beautiful sunset . . . plus a nap