Sea Isle Beachhouse - July 31st, 2017

Up before the sunrise to see Jerry testing the water once again

The water looks a little more promising this morning

No clouds on the horizon allow for our best sunrise yet

Voilá, very nice sunrise!

The rising sun lights up the row of beachhouses in orange light

We still have plenty of water pressure for morning showers

Capture the reflecting sun off the waves of the shoreline

The girls are out early too and enjoy the rising sun

Back to hermit crab searching, let's see if they are early risers

Alex watches the sunrise as Grandpa tries his luck for fish

The sun rises and the girls dig in the sun

Alex silhouetted in the rising sun

The best time to be at the beach is right at sunrise

The rising sun lights up the water tower and beachhouse

Jerry comes in with something in his basket

Three days of trying and finally brought in a "keeper"

A gafftop catfish is the catch of the week thus far

Jerry comes down for the day and has Dad's earlier luck

Virginia and Leo drop by and join in a game of train dominoes

The leave a few hours later after a brief and enjoyable visit

Nena makes her gumbo for lunch

Fresh rolls and gumbo with rice are an annual beach house favorite

The Jerry's tried to teach David and Kathy how to play "Skat"

Thus far, all David has is the stern German poker face

Kathy still relies on her knowledge of the rules and cards played

Meanwhile, Nena & Donna update their blogs & Margo watches the news

The barbies and puppies always keep up on current events

Find out why it is so quiet, the girls are enjoing an afternoon nap

Jerry and Kathy work together to keep Dad from a Schneider

The girls wake up and collect themselves with some rowdy cartoons

Take an afternoon beach walk and view the tower with western sun lighting

"My life flashed before me, I looked back at the footprints in the sand"

The occasional jellyfish washed up on the sand, now with stripes!

Sunset on the beach with the daytrippers now stuck in gridlock along I-45, . . . ah yes

Clearing leftovers for dinner, it is all good

The girls play and watch cartoons in their bedroom

Spectacular sunset beyond the powerlines and bayside beachhouses

The girls feed the seagulls cheerios, shhhh, don't tell Ahma

The seagulls are as enthusiastic about fiber cereal as the rest of us

The best sunset of the week . . . wow!

We play Nasty Train with tequila as the identifier of that designation