Sea Isle Beachhouse - August 3rd, 2017

Rainclouds hide the sunrise on a rainy Thursday morning

At least one rainy day at the beach makes for a relaxing trip

Check out the surroundings from the upper deck

The bayside sunset zone is still waking up beyond the tower

Wheel chair ramp and stairway bookend Nena's master bedroom

Covered patio for surf watching and sliding door into the main room

View of enclosed shower with natural gas tank for neighboring house

View of dunes looking toward public beach acess

Kathy and Jerry enjoy the surf up close on a cloudy day

Finally gave up fishing and now feeding bait to the seagulls

Seagull swoops in for an air-to-air strike

You got to be quick to get a bite with this crowd

Claw marks and beak indention indicate where shrimp briefly lay

Poor grackle reminisces of easier pickings at a college campus

Eastward view of the Sea Isle surf

Westward view of the Sea Isle surf . . . so peaceful

Zoom in on a pretty bloom on the walk back to the beachhouse

Finally remember all the corn I brought to be enjoyed with a martini

The girls like their corn with melted cheese dribbled on it

Who knew that a block a velveta would only go so far?

After fueling up, it is back to the beach

Erin celebrates another fun family vacation week

The neighbors take their ocean kayak out for a paddle, . . . sorry Cujo, no room for you

Margo strolls the beach looking for shells

Erin found a bunch with little hermit crabs living inside

Margo checks out the twenty plus hermit crabs collected thus far

Erin brings her latest find back to the collection buckets

David takes his waterproof GearPro camera out to waist deep water, but alas, no waves for action shots

Jerry and Nena watch as Erin as she releases her hermit crab collection

The quickly burrow into the sand while Nena and Alex watch

Time to head in for some lunch, bring the foot wash bucket back

A view worth remembering until our next visit back

David opens an early birthday gift picked out by the girls

Picked out while staying with Nena the last two weeks

It is a burnt orange Chuy's rose bowl shirt that fits, XL

I needed a new shirt for the upcoming football season, Thanks!

Our final sunset stroll along the beach rewards us great shots

Find many sunset angles between the beachhouses along the way

The last evening is the best with multiple sunset photo opportunities!

Erin loves the hermit crab finding opportunities as well

Catch the sun as it dissolves among the clouds right at the horizon

The upper clouds light up and the beachhouses are silhouetted in darkness

The sky and clouds briefly light up with orange and purple hues

Sunrise and sunset, the two best times to be at the beach

Capture the long cloud stretching out above the long line of beachhouses

A three quarter moon appears in the southern sky above the surf

Can't get enought shots of the contrasting colors of the setting sun

Our final sunset beachwalk was extra special with the rain clouds finally gone after two days

The water tower beckons us back before it gets too dark

As Frank Costanza would say . . . "serenity now!"