Hurricane Harvey - August 30th, 2017
The sun finally rises over a full rain gauge
The tall yucca lost a few branches in the strong winds
The bougainville got battered down by all the rain
But blue skies are over the Houston area for the first time in 5 days
Erin is happy to get out of the house and ride her bike
We check out Palomino and drive clear past Clear Springs High School
The water has receded greatly and all the cars have been towed
The residents here still don't want a bridge to the high school
Look back to the intersection at FM-518 and the Junior High
Then head to Countryside Park on Bay Area Blvd
The water has receded but still no pickup games today
The parking lot, playground and ball fields are still underwater
But the sidewalk and roadways are passable on foot or high vehicle
A high vehicle shows up just in time to demonstrate
Slow down a bit and then push through the high water
A tall Ford pickup has no problems driving through
The water is close to 3 feet deep at the lowest point ahead
Attention ball teams, the rainout is still in effect
The water will recede below the roadway tomorrow and regular auto passage will again be possible
Final view of Countryside Park from Alderwood with water receded five or so feet
Visit FM-518 at Eagle Lakes and see the water is down and traffic is moving
Chigger Creek is now multiple feet below the roadway
The house on the right is now at the waters edge instead of the middle
Continue down FM-518 and stop at the 1975 Firestation
It has been emptied out, will be demolished soon and a park carousel is under discussion to be put in its place
Had not noticed the Blue Star Memorial Highway until now
The flowers were underwater on Monday but the sign still works
View the debris in the park around the gazebo
The Stevenson Park rock dedicated with the park on 3/17/1974
Stand water still present in the park
Water surrounds the pathway looking back at the old firestation
Debris in the park with cars traveling Fwood Drive and the Chamber of Commerce on the right
The old firestation was readied for demolition before the flood
The new main firestation is by the police station off FM-518 & Whitaker Dr.
Over at Emerald, the traditional flooded Cougar is dried out
Mrs. Taylor's yard and house show the damage of high water
The creek is still visible in the backyard though receding
The yard won't need mowing for multiple weeks
Continue down Emerald to Scott's property, still muddy & floated firewood
The site of the old house would have been five feet under on Monday
The Presnell/Rich house took 3 feet and will need cleaning out
Hear a gurgling sound while walking back and finally identify it
It is a gas leak, gurgling out of a 3 ft gash, report it, it gets fixed
Take a left on Castlewood and walk toward Lexington
The water is still in the houses on either side but the car in the roadway is now visible again
The owner fetches his tools out before having his vehicle towed away, wonder how the beach house on the left fared
The first house to flood did so again and likely won't repaired again
The water was six feet high on the columns at the front porch
Head back and look for the water line on the house on the left
The first two houses on the left flood and the 3rd had one closet effected
The carpet, padding and sheetrock is already on the way out on the two houses that also flooded in 1979
The National Guard brings amphibious vehicles to rescue people and park them at the strip center at FM-528/FM-518
They must have taken a break for an enchiladas at Ranchos on the far left
Follow the tow-truck to the flooded car and watch the recovery process
Attach a cable to it and winch it over to the entrance of Lexington
I would not be in the market for a used car in the area for awhile!
The recovery starts strong with a #2 Combo at La Casita, thanks Rebecca!