Hurricane Harvey Recovery
209 Castlewood has cleared out the soggy carpet, padding and sheetrock
Emerald #1 and #2 are old pros at pulling out carpet, padding & sheetrock
The gas leak in front of #2 was dug up and repaired on the 31st
The buffer wall of flood debris is no longer needed to deflect the explosion
Look back toward Castlewood over the repaired roadway
Walk down toward the creek and take a peek at the Lexington recovery
As in 1979, every house on Lexington took in flood water, behold the pile of sheetrock in the cul-de-sac at the end
view the debris on the Castlewood bridge over Cowart Creek
The water today (9/1) is even lower than it was on Saturday (8/26)
The Wade's home (to the left) was not rebuilt after the 1979 flood
The house to the right was rebuilt as a beach house and still flooded
The truck was completely underwater and pushed off the driveway
Out since 8/25, bean dip returns to the grocery shelves on 9/1, Hallelujah!
Head to Forest Bend to see the recovery, looking north on Townes Rd at Laura Leigh intersection
Driving through Forest Bend on Lucian Lane toward the creek at Hibiscus Lane
Head into Fwood and take a drive through Quaker's Landing, now on Quaker Drive
Left on Brown Drive and continue through Quaker's Landing
Turn around at Haverford Lane in Quaker's Landing and depart the subdivision
Check to see if Anne-Marie's house flooded on Cowart's Creek Drive
It did not as this is a new house on the same lot that didn't flood?
Next down Falling Leaf Drive where flooding is a given during storms
Great destruction along Falling Leaf Drive
Carpet, padding, sheetrock and ruin belongings line the streets
Even the homes with raised foundations were flooded, three feet was not enough for hurricane Harvey
Check out the nasty pool on Falling Leaf again on Sept. 12th, 2 weeks later
Regular garbage service is back up but flood debris pickup still in work
Cowart Creek came from the right side and was 4 feet deep in the street
Report on HS classmate Cynthia's prior home at 606 . . flooded yet again
Now drive down Blackhawk at Shady Oaks and learn how to cover flood damages with only standard home insurance
Look west down Shady Oaks to view the flood damage debris caused by Clear Creek only 200 yards further west
Continue north on Blackhawk and photo flood debris still awaiting pickup looking west down Wandering Trail
View the stacked flood debris on Bentwood Lane cul-de-sac from Blackhawk just south of FM-2351
Drive down Emerald Circle on September 12th to clean up Scott's property and view the debris from #5 and #6
#4 was torn down 15 years ago and the lot is now used as a dump by #5
Scott still owns the half lot between #4 and #2
#4, which stood here 40 years, missed out on its 4th flood
But debris sits on the side of the former driveway once again
#5's third flood and #6's first as both did not flood in 2001 and #6 was built in 1989 missing the two priors
Come out to clear out the drive around on Scott's property
Neglect to take photos of the down trees until the work is complete
Lower the grass with a weed eater and get to work
Years of cut branches get moved around in the flood waters
Cut the downed trees and toss to the side of the drive through
Restore Lorna's memorial, returning the landscaping & restacking the stone
The pathway to #5 is cleared once again
The hidden road to the Bat Cave is back in play
Drive down Townes Road back throught Wedgewood Village and the debris is still stacked and waiting for pickup on September 16th
Andy and family will move back home tonight after 2 weeks away
The trucks are clearing debris down the road but months will be required
ABC13 does a 2 week series on flood recovery and comes to Fwood on Tuesday, September 26th and broadcasts from Castlewood
They display the debris of the two homes that flooded on dad's street, #802 and #804
Former Fwood Mayor Smith talks of recovery with #1 Emerald Circle in the background right of him and #2 left of him
The camera heads toward Cowart Creek and looks down Lexington at the debris still awaiting pickup a month later
#802 had water up to the 2nd floor in 1979 and probably did again four weeks ago
Cul-de-sac residents always use the circle to stack debris after each and every storm
The final view of ABC13's 9/26 community recovery report shows #801 Lexington with the house across Castlewood still awaiting debris pickup
October 1st - Debris cleanup finally arrives on Carefree Drive!
Only six houses are cleared on one side of the street on day one
A week later, most of the debris is cleared but damage is still visible
The tracked vehicles scar the street and sidewalk and the yard is battered
Visit Emerald Circle on October 5th and discover #5 is no more
The driveway remains but the sidewalk has already been removed
Debris cleanup has not yet arrived on Emerald Circle
#6 was built up high but flooded and may or may not be repaired
Debris from both #5 and #6 await pickup five plus weeks after Hurricane Harvey
Look down Emerald Circle toward Castlewood from the forementioned "circle"
Debris from #2 Emerald Circle is stacked high and still awaits pickup
Scott is ready for a new roof after Hurricane Harvey
He will remove the source of leaks by losing the fake dormers
His new roof is installed in a day and all that remains is removal of debris
The dormers are gone & an alternating three color shingle has been installed
The busted up, pre-fab dormers are in the debris trailer
Along with the shingles from the 15 year old roof
Drive down Blackhawk again and discover most of the storm debris has been removed but the burned down house at Shady Oaks remains
Drive thru Imperial Estates off FM2351 & stop at the Mary's Creek Crossing
Imperial Estates has only 3 jacked up houses after all the prior floods
Mary's Creek links up with Clear Creek several 100 yards further south
The bridge became pedestrian only with little need for auto traffic now
Mary's Creek crosses under FM2351 near the Kroger Shopping Center
Walk back to my car in front of one of only 3 houses on this side
Debris pickup is underway on South Shadowbend off Quaker Drive just south of Mary's Creek
Debris has been picked up on Quaker Drive at Heritage Drive
Tracked vehicles are scuffing up the streets during cleanup
Debris was picked up on Dad's street on Friday, October 6th
The huge pile at 209 Castlewood by Emerald Circle has been cleared
Check out the progress of the rebuild of #5 Emerald Circle, the busted foundation has been removed but the backhoe remains
The remaining driveway provides easy access to Stevenson Park
Large appliances still await pickup at the end of Emerald Circle
The empty space where the Zeitler's driveway once laid is surrounded by junk from #5 Emerald Circle
Only wood, glass and a grill remains in front of #2 Emerald Circle
Debris has been cleared at 801 Lexington as well
The final view of ABC13's 9/26 community recovery report is now cleaned up
And continuing on across the street, a little more cleanup would be nice