New Porch Day 1 - January 9th, 2023

After a 2 month delay, McBride Construction finally arrives on Alex's birthday

The two man crew quickly demolitions the old arbor style patio cover

The 2 inch square beams come down first and then the larger supports

Column base covers are removed to get after the heavy supports

Rio watches over the demolition and barks as different activities begin

The column covers are lifted up and supported to give saw access

Zaw Saw is put to work to cut down the first column support

The column comes down and the beam in the ground is cut lower down

Former arbor porch will be carted off later in the afternoon

Circular hole remains after the main support is removed

The crew follows the same process to remove the second column

Both columns are now down and will be hauled off

The old porch debris is carted off to the trailer for removal

View of the left side hole that eventually will be covered up

First shot of the extended patio without the old arbor standing above

Gutters now being removed to incorporate the new patio into the roof

Second hole will be expanded and used to support the new patio roof

Gutters and eaves are removed to make way for the extended roof

Wood to build the new covered patio arrives

Crew cuts the concrete for new supports and gutter drainage

Broken chunks are removed after busted up with a sledgehammer

Hole is deepened for the new support and will be expanded for drainage

Bedroom cupola eaves and roofline are removed next

Lunch time progress of former roofline removal

Day One work complete with plastic added to protect open roof-line

Right side support hole will be deepened tomorrow

Materials brought to the back to enable garage access