New Porch Day 3 - January 11th, 2023

Wednesday's Day 3 lunch time progress has the wooden framing in place

The sides and front framing boards are coming along nicely at 11:30am

Inside view of the corner at the back door

Inside view of the corner incorporated into the bedroom cupola

Eaves boards in place by 2:45pm

Straight on view to see rain runoff patterns

Center frame apex board

Roof framing above back door with soon to be removed wiring for old fan

Roof framing in corner of bedroom cupola

How the new porch joins into the bedroom cupola

Some of the old eaves remain beyond the new porch

Right side corner support with roof framing

Day 3's efforts completed after dark so take photos the next morning

Day 4's efforts will begin soon but plywood added to cover roof framing

View inside toward corner above the back door

View of the corner with the extended bedroom

Hurricane strapping is underway and will be continued on Day 4

Finally have a covered porch after 23 and a half years!