New Porch Day 15 - February 21st, 2023

The concrete crew is back up cleaning up the fake mortar indentions

The covering has been removed from above the wooden panel dividers

Rio listens intently as the workers protect the house from paint spray

The red brick spray is complete and allowed to dry

The crew use leaf blowers to help speed up the paint drying

A clear coat will then be added to seal the color in

The workers have departed and we check out their fine work

The color is a little more brown than the red brick on the house, which is fine

The porch is almost done!   Next task . . . the yard!

The workers return early tomorrow and remove the paint block paper

Construction, chemical and Rio have beaten up the yard!

Crew add polyurethane sealant to the panel divider trenches in the A.M.

Crew removes the paint spray paper before 8:00 AM Wednesday morning

The polyurethane sealant is in place for expansion/contraction

The drain hole in the corner is covered up and soon forgotten