New Porch Day 2 - January 10th, 2023

Day Two has bricks removed and support beams bolted into the frame

Temporary boards hold the new horizonal beams in place

View materials awaiting installation during lunch break

New vertical support beams with bolts in place await installation

View of the horizontal beam attachment to the house frame

Shorter beam extending from the bedroom cupola

Deepened left side support hole with several inches of water

Right side support hole also has collected water

View of completed work after the efforts of Day Two comes to an end

Vertical supports in place and the new covered patio framework begun

Arched patio roof will be incorporated into the old roof

Curious how rain water will be dealt with in the left side corner

Left side horizontal support beam with remaining roofing material beyond

Right side support with excavated dirt saved to raise the former garden

Left side support with bolts extended for greater concrete strength

Right side support also built to withstand 140 mph winds